07 March 2008


The message board at a site started by a couple of my high school alumni has been running a Name that Song thread. It originally started with someone trying to remember a song for which she could only recall a line or two. The thread has since become a competition.

This morning the hint was
"Once you told me long ago, to the prom that you would go.." As soon as I read it I could hear Marty Robbins singing it. Think about it and then watch the video.

And then I watched another Marty Robbins video.

Marty Robbins was one of my parents' favorite singers. And A White Sport Coat (and a Pink Carnation) was one of the songs my father liked to sing. Daddy's been gone 20 years now and he quit playing the guitar and singing at least ten years before he died, but he is alive and playing in my memory right now thanks to Luanne's Name that Song hint.

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