30 June 2008

Another must read

Here is just another reason I enjoy the Archbold brothers' blog: I'm A Wii Catholic

If you aren't regularly reading Creative Minority Report, you are missing out on some great stuff. Matthew and Patrick are insightful and humorous. Bookmark them -- you won't regret it.

02 June 2008


by The 10 year old (brought home among his end of year papers)

Blue is the color of rain water
It's the color of a tranquil sea
Blue's the color of a bubbling spring of hope
It's a downpour of sadness
It's a frozen inlet of a boy's dreams
Blue's a crystal rapid of joy
Blue's a water lily in the early morning
It's a forest mist
It's a thousand little pieces of sea glass
It's a raging sea of anger
Blue's a harbor of defeat
It's an everlasting string of sky
Blue's a seaport of fear
It's a simple bay of reflection